We, at the Monroe County Child Protective Services (CPS), recognize that mandated reporters need feedback about how well the system is working. While we are prohibited by state law from giving details on the outcomes of specific cases, we can share with you some of our program reports of local statistics. Over the past five years, we have investigated an annual average of 8,900 calls to the Child Abuse Hotline. Tables 1 and 2 show the number and types of reports of suspected child abuse and neglect investigated by Monroe County over the last five years. After our investigation of these Hotline reports, about one-quarter of these reports turn out to be indicated (ie. evidence of abuse or neglect is found). See Chart of Outcomes of Calls to Hotline in Monroe County.
TABLE 1. Reports of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect from Hotline Calls, Monroe County 2019-2023
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Type |
# of reports |
#of reports |
#of reports |
#of reports |
#of reports |
Physical Abuse |
90 | 70 | 76 | 96 | 84 |
Neglect |
9,103 | 7,613 | 8,418 | 8,143 | 8,117 |
Sexual Abuse |
571 | 553 | 611 | 506 | 448 |
TOTAL | 9,764 | 8,236 | 9,105 | 8,745 | 8,649 |
Rate = number of reports/1000 children in Monroe County
* = Information not available from New York State
Source: Monroe County Child Protective Services, Department of Human Services
TABLE 2. Types of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect from Hotline Calls, Monroe County
Type | % of total report | Examples |
Physical Abuse | 0.9% | 416 cases of fatalities, severe fractures, severe lacerations, subdural hematomas, internal injuries, severe burns, severe malnutrition/failure to thrive |
Sexual Abuse | 6% | 2,689 cases of sexual contact, sexual intercourse, deviate sexual intercourse, prostitution, incest, using a child in a sexual performance |
Neglect | 93% | 41,394 cases of fractures, lacerations, bruises, welts, burns, excessive corporal punishment, allowing or encouraging child’s drug/alcohol use, lack of medical care, malnutrition/failure to thrive, educational neglect, emotional neglect, lack of food/clothing/shelter, lack of supervision, abandonment |
TOTAL | 44,499(100%) |
Source: Monroe County Child Protective Services, Department of Human Services