Child abuse reports can be called in to the Child Abuse Hotline 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays. These calls are answered by staff of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services in Albany, New York. If the Child Abuse Hotline registers a report, it is immediately electronically transmitted to the Monroe County CPS Team for investigation and follow-up. Here are the numbers you call to report child abuse in New York State:
- Mandated Reporters call 1-800-635-1522
- General Public call 1-800-342-3720
What else do I need to do?
You are required by state law to fill out and send in a special form called the LDSS – 2221A Report of Suspected Child Abuse & Maltreatment. It may help you to fill out the form first so you know what to expect when you call; but this is optional. After you call, you must complete the form and mail it within 48 hours to:
Monroe County CPS Intake
111 Westfall Road, Room 562
Rochester, New York 14692
The required form may be available at your work site. You can get a form by calling Monroe County Child Protective Services at 585-461-5690.